sasa's blog hello i mostly do book adapted movie reviews ,enjoy !

𝘓𝘖𝘓𝘐𝘛𝘈 (1997)

 Lolita (1997) is a drama film adapted from a 1955 novel written by Vladimir Nakobov directed by Adrian Lyne.
Starring Jeremy Irons as Humbert Humbert
Dominique Swain as "Lolita " or Dolores Haze
Melanie Griffith as Charlotte Haze 
Frank Lagella as Clare Quilty.

The story is introduced by a fictional Psychologist John Ray Jr Ph.D. as a case study in abnormal psychology he says it was written by a killer and a sexual pervert named Humbert Humbert who calls himself by that name in the text .Both the Author and the girl in the book Lolita are now dead ,The first one died of a heart attack in prison while waiting for trial and the second one died giving birth on Christmas day both of them died in 1952.

Ray ends his introduction by praising the Writer's genius criticizing his actions and suggesting the book as a warning, a case study and a guide to building a more moral society, The intro is from August 5th 1955.

Humbert's story begins with the story of Lolita's predecessor who was his first love, At the Hotel Morana on the French Riviera young Humbert meets Annabel Lee, Annabell's parents are friends with his parents who own the Hotel, The two kids fall in love and try hard to find a way to hook up without getting caught and they almost made it but two divers found them at the last minute.

Annabel dies of Typhoid not long after Humbert stops seeing her. Humbert's idea of nymphatry is based on Annabel until he meets Lolita .Humbert goes to Paris when he is an young adult ,There in London he learns about Literature and starts writing pieces for magazines .He fights his desire for the young girls he finds beautiful whom he calls ''Nymphets", However he takes every chance he can to be near them he goes to whores to satisfy his sex needs .

One of these whores Monique looks so much like a Nymph that it really stands out to him ,He tries to find a Child Prostitute in the bad parts of Paris but he gives up after a Madam tricks him out of his money. Humbert Humbert hopes that that the sexual and household routines of marriage will help him deal with his strange urges .

In 1935 he gets married to Valeria his Doctor's daughter ,It goes okay for four years but Valeria breaks up with him and starts dating a Russian Cab Driver named Maximovich .Humbert goes to the U.S where his uncle has left him a small amount of money every year if he moves there and shows interest in business ,Humbert moves to New York  and gets a job at University where he writes a book about French literature .His mental health gets worse and he ends up spending several years in a hospital between stays he goes on a research trip to the Artic where he acts as a Psychological recorder .

The report he writes is completely made up ,Soon after he has to go to the Psychiatric Hospital where he takes pride in being able to trick his doctors ,When Humbert Humbert  got out of the in 1947 he moved to New England .He makes plans to stay with a family called the Mccoos in the town of Ramsdale,He is happy that the Mccoos have a baby girl .Mr. McCoo tells him that their house burned down ,When he gets there he tells Humbert instead about a mother and daughter  who live at 342 Lawn Avenue .

They are the Hazes ,Charlotte Haze who lives  in the house shows Humbert Humbert around he doesn't like how the rooms look and he has a bad feeling that Charlotte is playing with him .He's almost decided not to take the job until he see's Charlotte's daughter Dolores lying under the sun on the patio ,He falls in love right away thinking this 12 year old Nymphet is Annabel the girl he loved when he was younger .

He moves in after accepting Charlotte's offer ,Humbert Humbert starts writing in a journal he writes about Lolita and writes his plans and dreams for getting her and he tries to be quiet as possible but he still manages to kiss or touch her more than once. Lolita and her mother fight all the time her mother thinks of her as a little brat ,Charlotte is always trying to get Lolita out of the way so she can spend time alone with Humbert whom she clearly wants to have an affair .

Lolita on the other hand likes Humbert ,One day Humbert and Lolita are left in the house  alone while they are sitting on the davenport and singing ,He uses her legs to masturbate thru his dressing gown and touches her thighs, Humbert is finally happy that he has enjoyed an nymphet without her noticing .

Charlotte takes Lolita to camp q which is what he calls summer camp ,Humbert says that Lolita runs up the stairs to kiss him before she goes. After the mother and daughter leave Humbert's Maid Louise gives him a letter its a love letter from Charlotte asking him to marry her as soon as she gets back or to leave right away. Humbert goes through with it because he wants to stay close to Lolita ,Charlotte is now Mrs. Humbert when she gets back ,Charlotte tells Humbert while they are  swimming in the Hourglass  Lake that she plans to send Lolita to Boarding School as soon as she gets back from camp.

Humbert is very angry he thinks about drowning Charlotte but changes his mind, He is desperate to find ways to assert himself in the marriage so that Lolita will stay close to him .Charlotte one day finds Humbert Humbert's journal while Humbert is out taking sleeping pills for Charlotte and her daughter so that he can molest Lolita without being seen.

When he gets home she yells at him and calls him a monster  then she runs out to the street with letters proving him that he is wrong there while Humbert is talking over the phone a car runs over and kills her. Humbert quickly put things in place so that he can take care of Lolita ,He makes John and Jean Farlow who are close friends of the family believe that he is Lolita's real father from an affair he had with Charlotte a long time ago.

Lolita is waiting for Humbert in camp q he tells her that her mother is sick and takes her to a motel in Britain called the "Enchanted Hunters", He gives her sleep pills and tries to sexually assault her in the bed but then  he is shocked when she wakes up and then stops trying to sexually molest her,Atleast according to Humbert Lolita starts having sex with him in the morning .

He thinks at summer camp she was corrupted ,On the highway Lolita says she will call her mother or the cops and tell them everything ,Humbert then tells her that her mother has died so Lolita has nowhere else to go since she is now an orphan.

Humbert and Lolita spend the next two years traveling around the United States they stay in hotels and visit tourist spots all over the country and he fills Lolita's days with fun activities to keep her not wanting to run away and he also tells her that if she tells on him she will be sent to a bad foster home.

Humbert gets Lolita whatever she wants when they are on the road ,She starts tennis lessons when they get to California ,In the summer of 1948 Humbert Humbert starts to worry if he is still able to stay on the road financially and legally he and Lolita start to live in Beardsley a college town in the East where a French friend named Gaston Godin can help him get a job as a Professor.

He puts Lolita in the neighborhood school for girls ,Lolita makes new friends and learns to live in her home but the school's Headmistress a woman named Pratt starts to worry that something might be wrong at home she tells Humbert Humbert that he should let Lolita go on dates and meet new people, She also wants Lolita in the school play which is about Enchanted Hunters by Claire Quilty.

As play practices start Humbert and Lolita's relationship began to become worse and Humbert doesn't trust Lolita and think that she has told everything to her friend named Mona Doll, When Humbert finds out that Lolita hasn't been going to her piano lessons they get into a big fight and Lolita runs away .

When he finds her in a phone box she has a completely different attitude and she asks Humbert if they can go on the road again but she wants to choose the route. Humbert and Lolita went on another cross country trip in May 1949.Humbert gets worried as he drives because someone who looks like his Uncle is following them in a red car and Lolita seems to be talking to this person when Humbert isn't looking.

Humbert gets more and more worried because he thinks that Lolita is trying to get away from him with the person who is after them but he finally comes to the conclusion that he is being too suspicious .Lolita gets sick in a place called Elphinstone and Humbert takes her to the local hospital where she stays for a few days when it's time to pick her up Humbert is shocked to find out that Lolita's Uncle has already taken her and Humbert finds out that Lolita and the man that was chasing her has run away.

Humbert spends all summer looking for Lolita and her lover the man seems to have known that the Police would be looking for him because he has put funny fake names in all of the hotel records.Humbert is impressed by how smart the man is but can't find him in the end  and he finally loses hope and starts a two year relationship with a woman named Rita who is a bit of a drunk and a bum .

In september of 1952 Lolita sends a letter to Humbert Humbert she is married to an Engineer named Dick and the two of them need money so that Dick can take a new job in Alaska even though she doesn't give her exact adress Humbert Humbert is still able to find her and brings a gun with him because he thinks that her husband is the person who stole Lolita from him and wants to kill him .

Humbert Humbert comes home and Lolita meets him at the door ,He still loves her even though she is grown up ,pregnant and is no longer a nymphet and Humbert decides not to kill the husband because he realizes that it's not the same man who took her from him .

Humbert tries to make Lolita confess who her lover was when she ran away Lolita doesn't want to but she finally does it was Claire Quilty a Writer her mother knew  she met  him at the production of the play in Beardsley school.

Lolita fell in love with him and ran away with him but she ran away when he asked her to be apart of his child pornography films,Humbert then gave Lolita the money she needed and begs Lolita to run away with him ,Lolita for the first time finally sees that her abuser and father really loves her,She is shocked even moved but refuses.

Humbert Humbert drives away in tears because he is sad he goes to Ramsdale to see Jack Windmiller so that he can give the land  that used to belong to Charlotte.

Humbert walks by the old house at 342 while he's there he tries to shock and upset evryone he meets including Ms. Chatfield and Claire's Uncle ,Ivor Quilty then Humbert goes out of Ramsdale to find Claire Quilty,On his trip he began to understood how badly he hurt Lolita and has an moral awakening then he follows Quilty to Pavor Manor a big broken down house and when he wakes up the Manor door is open so he takes his gun and goes inside to find Quilty and he found him then he threatens Quilty but Quilty is not scared he alternates it to making fun of Humbert then ignoring him and talking to him.

The two have a fight Humbert chases Quilty around the house they realize that they have further similarity and there were missed shots he kills Quilty  with a shot with his gun and runs away but is chased by police he is caught and imprisoned in jail while waiting for trial he dies dued to coronary thombosis and Lolita dies the next month on Christmas day due to childbirth complications. 



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Little women (2019) is a romantic film made in America directed by Greta Gerwig and produced by Amy Pascal, Little Women is not entirely her creation but Louisa May Alcott's. Adapted from Louisa May Alcott's novel named "Little Women".
Starred or acted: by Saoirse Ronan as Jo March 
Florence Pugh as Amy March 
Emma Watson as Meg March 
Eliza Scanlen as Beth March 
Timothee Chalamet as Theodore Laurence "Laurie".

Little Women is about four girls with the surname ''March''.
Meg, Jo, Beth and Amy who live in Massachusetts.
The four sisters we're all filled with different characters because they have different ambitions and dreams. Meg is seen as beautiful and traditional, Jo is seen as masculine, hot headed and wants to be a writer, Beth is quiet and loves her piano and Amy is an artist who wants to be rich.

The story begins with the girls sitting in their living room reminiscing about their poverty. They decide to buy themselves a present to enjoy their Christmas, but soon they change their minds and decide that instead of buying presents for themselves they will buy presents for their mother whom they call "'Marmee".Later Marmee comes home with a letter from their father who served for the American civil war after he lost all their family fortune. He bids them to be patient and to have faith ,He adds that he is proud of his "Little Women".

Meg and Jo work to support their family ,Meg tutors a group of unruly youngsters in the neighbourhood and Jo assists her aged great aunt March, A wealthy widow living in a mansion named Plumfield.
They do not have a strong financial backbone yet their mother teaches them to be kind and to give to those in need .

So one Christmas the girls give food to a poorer family and their neighbour Mr Lawrence ,After seeing the charitable deed of the girls ,Mr. Lawrence sends them the finest dinner and delicacies, After that Mr. Lawrence and his grandson "Laurie" get well acquainted with the March family.Mr Lawrence's favorite is Beth who reminds him of his dead Grand daughter ,He invites her to play piano at his home and later gives her one.

Laurie becomes close with the sisters particularly the masculine Jo.The Marches form a family club in which they write family newspaper and do acts for fun,Jo smuggles Laurie into one of these club meetings and Laurie becomes a member .Presenting his new circle with a postbox the girls are busy with their lives ,Jo writes a novel and publishes it but has to edit most of it and even change the ending.

Meg is invited to spend some time with some rich friends where there are parties for the girls to dance with boys and improve her social skills ,Her friends think she is interested in Laurie but she confesses that she is keener in John Brooke Laurie's young Tutor. Amy has troubled times at school and the teacher hits her as a punishment due to that Mrs. March withdraws her daughter from school.

Jo refuses Amy to go with her to the theater in revenge Amy burns Jo's Manuscript in anger Jo nearly lets Amy drown while ice skating .One day the Marches receive a telegram saying that Mr March is sick in the hospital and Marmee goes to tend him ,Jo who is desperate to do her part sells her hair to help finance the trip,Mr. Lawrence insists on accompanying Marmee but she refuses due to his old age so Mr Brooke travels with her instead.

In Marmee's absence the girls neglect their household chores ,Beth goes to help a poorer family and contracts a sickness called Scarlett fever from them ,Beth teeters on the brink of death and Jo tends to her as she already had Scarlett fever ,Amy is sent to live with Aunt March in order not to contract the Scarlett fever tto herself ,The girls sent word to Marmee to come home immediately ,Beth never recovers fully having lost all energy .

Soon Mr. March returns home from the war meanwhile Mr. Brooke confesses her love for Meg to her parents they are pleased but consider Meg too young to marry so Brooke agrees to wait ,He serves in the war for some time and returns after getting wounded.
The second half of the book opens three years later Meg and Brooke get married and move to a new home they have twins and they name them Demi and Daisy .

Although they love each other Meg continuously struggles to live with their poor financial condition and she dreams for better situations. She asks Marmee for advice for balancing her aspects of life ,Laurie who had gone off to college earlier returns ,Jo  who suspects Laurie's feelings for her moves to New York to escape Laurie's affections she thinks Beth likes him and gives her a chance to win his affections by moving away .

Amy gets to go to Paris instead of Jo because her Aunt prefers Amy's ladylike behavior in a companion  ,In New York Jo serves as a Governess for two children and meets Professor Bhaer a poor German language instructor. Jo writes sensational romance stories for extra money but Bhaer discourages her from doing so and advises her to find a simpler writing style.

Meanwhile at home Beth's health seriously deteriorates and Jo returns to take care of her sister, Laurie proposes to Jo  but Jo turns Laurie down by telling she loves him like a brother and that she could not romantically love him ,Laurie is heartbroken and travels to Europe with his Grandfather there he meets Amy and slowly falls in love with her however Amy is dejected by his forlorn and heartbroken attitude since Jo's rejection she encourages him to find a purpose in life .

Jo who devoted all her time for Beth is inconsolable when Beth died in Europe far away from home Amy mourns for her sister and finds comfort in Laurie who feels the same loss,Aunt March is reluctant on sending Amy on chaperoned  therefore Amy and Laurie get  Married  before returning home ,Jo is happy for them but laments her loneliness.

Professor Bhaer visits the Marches when he is in Massachusetts on business.Jo is sad when the Professor doesn't propose and plans to return but after encouragement  from her sisters Jo goes after him they confess their love and get engaged .Since he doesn't have a steady income they postpone the wedding until he establishes a good income .After some time Aunt March dies Jo is shocked when she receives Aunt March's large mansion Plumfield as she thought that her Aunt didn't like her .

Jo and Bhaer get married and turn the mansion into a school for boys ,Amy and Laurie have a daughter named Beth and they have two sons of their own ,At apple picking time Marmee celebrates her birthday for the 16th time in Plumfield with her husband, her three surviving daughters and their husband's and her five grandchildren .



Romeo and Juliet (1996) is a film adaptation of William Shakespeare's play in 1597 which he also adapted from The tragical History of Romeus and Juliet. Romeo and Juliet (1996) is a romantic tragical drama film directed by Baz Luhrman and starring Leonardo DiCaprio as Romeo Montague and Claire Danes as Juliet Capulet which was released on November 1, 1996.

This film tells a love story between two young people in Verona, Italy Romeo and Juliet, Romeo and Juliet are children of two mafia empires (because this film was modernized by the director). Capulet and Montague (The Capulet and Montague Hate each other and is symbolized as enemies to Society), The film begins with the two families feuding in the city their feuding has caused Prince Gallis to issue a decree of death to anyone who continues, Romeo the son of Montague comes across his cousin Benvolio ,Benvolio asks the distaught Romeo what's wrong? Romeo explains about his love for a girl named Rosaline who unfortunately does not love him back.

Benvolio as Romeo's friend tells Romeo to forget about it and find a new girl .To cheer romeo up Benvolio and Romeo's friend Mercutio convinces romeo to join them crashing into the Capulet party .At the same time Paris one of the Prince's kinsmen wants to marry Juliet and Juliet's father is pleased with Paris as a suitor for Juliet but says that Juliet is young as Juliet is only 13 ,However he throws a lavish masquerade party in hopes that Paris will meet Juliet there and win her heart,\Juliet's mother and nurse talk about the possibilities of marrying Juliet to Juliet and Juliet says she will consider paris at the feast.

Later on Romeo,Mercutio and Benvolio crash the Capulet Masquerade party wearing masks. During the party Romeo sees Juliet and forgets all about Rosaline  as he experiences love at first sight.Capulet's nephew Tybalt recgonizes Romeo's voice and is furious as Romeo is a montague and probably crashed into the party .Capulet orders Tybalt to let it go because he doesn't want fighting at his party.Romeo finds Juliet and get's Juliet to hold his hand and kiss her all of this while they speak to eachother in poetry,after this  one and another is upset to find out that they are both from rival families .

But they decide that they are too muh in love to simply go back.The night comes and Romeo can't simply leave juliet alone so Romeo decides to sneak into the Capulet's estate in order to find Juliet.Romeo ditches his friends climbs up an orchard wall and finds juliet talking to herself in her balcony .Before realizing that romeo is secretly listening to her Juliet says she loves him.Romeo steps out of hiding and says that he loves her too and they exchange their vows to eachother and Romeo proposes to juliet. 

 The next day,Romeo confesses his love to Juliet to his priest Friar Laurence and asks him if he''ll  conduct a marriage between the two .Friar Laurence is concerned about how quick Romeo switches from Rosaline to Juliet but Friar laurence agrees in the end because he believes it may bring peace to the feuding families.Juliet's nurse also helps with the marriage and gives a ladder to Romeo to sneak in Juliet's room for their wedding night.The next day ,Mercutio and Benvolio tell romeo that Tybalt  challenges a duel for sneaking into their party .

Juliet's nurse later come along wanting to talk to Romeo in private ,Romeo tells her to come to Friar Laurence's that afternoon so they can get married.Juliet meets Romeo and the Friar in his cell and the Friar marries them.Later Tybalt finds Romeo and tries to start a fight Romeo won't fight because Tybalt is Juliet's cousin.Mercutio upset that Romeo won't fight fights Tybalt instead.Romeo tries them up but Tybalt  stabs and kills Mercutio.

Romeo enraged kills Tybalt in retaliation.The Prince finds out what has happend and banishes Romeo from Verona .On the other hand, Juliet is impatiently waiting for her wedding night with Romeo when the nurse comes in and tells her that Romeo killled Tybalt and has been banished,Juliet is mad at Romeo at first but decides to take Romeo's side .Juliet sends the nurse to tell Romeo to spend  the night with her,Meanwhile Friar Laurence breaks the news to Romeo that he has been banished from Verona ,Romeo feels like he wants to kill himself.Suddenly the nurse arrives and tells Romeo to go to Juliet that Night.

The Friar tells Romeo to go to Mantua the next morning and wait for the Friar to send word.Capulet decides he's going to make Juliet marry Paris in just Three days.After spending the night together Romeo and Juliet playfully argue whether its dawn untill they can't deny it and finally Romeo leaves after the two consumate the marriage say goodbye and Romeo heads to Mantua .Lady Capulet tells Juliet she has to marry Paris,Juliet refuses but Capulet himself comes in and tells he'll disown her if she doesn't do it.

Juliet can't reveal to anyone she's married to Romeo,her nurse says she should just marry Paris ,However Juliet doesn't like that idea .Juliet goes to see Friar Laurence and  asks Friar Laurence for help.and Juliet tells Friar Laurence she'll kill herself if he can't show a way out of her predicament,Friar Laurence comes up with an idea Friar Laurence gives Juliet a drug that will make her appear dead and tells her to agree to the marriage.Friar Laurence tells Juliet to take the drug the day before the marriage for forty two hours she'll seem like she's dead.

And the family will lay her in the family tomb,Friar Laurence will write Romeo  and tell him what's happenning and the two will be waiting when she wakes up and can take her off to Mantua .Juliet Agrees,Juliet goes to her father and tells him that Friar Laurence has thought him to be an obedient girl. Capulet is so happy with the change of heart that he moves the wedding to the very next day ,That night Juliet debates with herself about taking the drug thinking how scary it would be waking up in a tomb but she decides to take it anyway.

The next day the Capulets find Juliet in bed Dead,Paris and Friar Laurence Arrive for the wedding ,Capulet,Lady Capulet,the nurse and Paris all lament that death has robbed them.But Friar Laurence tells them that Juliet is in a better place,they prepare to take Juliet to her Mantua Romeo wakes up expecting good news but his servant Baalthazar arrives and tells him Juliet is dead.Romeo decides to kill himself in line next to Juliet he goes to an apothecary a guy who makes and sells medications who's really poor and bribes the man to sell him poison which is capital crime.

A Priest named Friar John tells Friar Laurence that he couldn't deliver the news about Juliet's fake death to Romeo ,Friar John says he wound up quarantined because authoriti  es said he was exposed to the plague.Friar Laurence  sends him out to get a crowbar and Juliet will wake up in three hours and be angry at him.Romeo kisses Juliet  takes his poison kisses her again and dies lying across Juliet's chest.Juliet wakes up and sees Romeo has poisoned himself and kisses him in hope of getting some of the poison,then she hears people coming and takes Romeo's gun and shoots herself.

The chief watchman arrives and sees the bodies he sends the watchmen to round up anyone looking in the vicinity and to get The Prince,The Capulet's and The Montague's.The watchmen round up Friar Laurence explains everythings that's happend The Prince says  Capulet and Montague have been punished for their feud ,and The Prince has been punished for tolerating their feud.Because he's lost two relatives Mercutio and Paris ,Montague promises  a golden statue of Juliet and Capulet promises to make one of Romeo.